Sang (blod) + tecnic grafic explanation
Some people has been asking me how i do theese pictures, well, here i put the tecnical explanation with this new picture. A bit small and cheap ''studio'' but right now it's what i can have, so, good enought. No photoshop, no laboratory manipulation, just your creativity and one shot.
As you can see anyone of you can do it, so, get a glass from mom's old pictures, take ''borrow'' a couple of hallogen lights from the office, and lets be creative. Have fun!
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • FilmtypeFujifilm
  • Nei
  • AnnetCheck out the down picture.
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Kritikker (6)
Marcelo V.

I funciona perfecto. Veo que has aumentado el contraste en esta foto. Me gusta esta combinacion de cuerpo de mujer y los barrotes de la reja.
Lars-Anders M.

Kunst? Ja man vet aldrig.
Hege Helen R.

Enig med Marcelo, synes ogsp det fungerer perfekt. Har sett dine andre bilder og jeg liker det du driver med, spennende motiv med gode farger.
Hilsen Hege
Avsluttet .

MMmm....Very nice Ferran.. I like this one..
Krister B.

Ah, but then it really isn't one shot, since it requires two pictures, no? Hm, unless you substitute the prepared picture with something else... Ever done it with a painting? Hey, I've got to try this ;o)
Ferran C.

Thanks for the coment,
Yes in that shot i used two pictures, but many of the other pictures are done with original elements, i like it better, i'm quite limited because of the no big glass, no studio, not much time after work, home made equipment, ....amateur ways. But if you have the money and the time the possibilities are much wider.
I'm just starting that kind of pictures, still learning and discovering, exiting and chalenging, i don't thing there are limitiations to your imagination, anything you want....just printed on original photography paper.
About the painting, i'm just trying with a transparent sheets painting it with water colors and making the reflection to give a maleri texture over the subject.
I beleave so you get a like make movies right?sure you could do the most amazing special effects using the same glass tecnic.....give it a try....
any question just write me back.
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